Lands of Legends now on crowdfunding!

An OSR toolkit in five zines to spark your fantasy sandbox  with 500 unique areas and 500 special encounters, in five different flavors!

Lands of Legends is a collection of five zines, each of which is a unique tool to craft and enrich your fantasy sandbox and adventures with unique areas, locales, encounters, and events.

It can be used with most fantasy RPGs, and occasionally refers to the basic rules of the first edition of the world’s most popular role-playing game, so it is readily usable with the vast majority of OSR rulesets.

What’s Inside?

Each Zine contains 10 Area tables and 10 Encounter tables, for 10 different terrain types.

With EACH ZINE you get:

  • 10 Areas and 10 Encounters for Civilizations
  • 10 Areas and 10 Encounters for Deserts
  • 10 Areas and 10 Encounters for Forests
  • 10 Areas and 10 Encounters for Jungles
  • 10 Areas and 10 Encounters for Mountains & Hills
  • 10 Areas and 10 Encounters for Plains & Valleys
  • 10 Areas and 10 Encounters for Rivers & Lakes
  • 10 Areas and 10 Encounters for Seas & Islands
  • 10 Areas and 10 Encounters for Swamps & Marshes
  • 10 Areas and 10 Encounters for Wastelands

To sum up, each zine holds 100 unique areas and 100 unique encounters.

The whole set of five zines sets you with FIVE HUNDRED OF EACH.

What’s the Zine like?

Each zine is a 48 page PDF. 

The print version is a 48-page zine (5.5″ x 8.5″).

A Two-Fold Tool!

Each zine has a double use: the Special Areas tables are designed to be used as a resource when shaping and designing your campaign world, while the Encounters & Hazards tables are the tools you’ll keep at hand when running your game.

For this reason, the print version is double-sided!

What Are the Five Zines About?

The Lands of Legends – Mundane zine features places and situations that are perfect for low fantasy/low magic settings and campaigns: natural environmental features and commonplace events which will spark life and add depth to your adventures and campaigns.

Then there are four more zines that push and empower the magic and wonder of your fantasy world to a higher degree. Each has its own unique flavor:

  • Lands of Legends – Grim: dark magic, terrible secrets, and horrific threats
  • Lands of Legends – Fairy: enchanted lands of gentle wonder
  • Lands of Legends – Holy: lands and events displaying the powers of the gods
  • Lands of Legends – Primeval: where the brute force of Nature is at work at its utmost power

Can I Mix and Match?

Of course! You can combine Grim and Fairy to create a sandbox campaign mixing the bleak horror and gentle wonder of both flavors into one unique setting, blending surreal and grotesque; you can set an epic campaign where Nature and the Gods are turbulent, ever-present forces just by mixing Holy and Primeval!

And on and on, you can mix two, three, or more of the flavors, or use each as the predominant note for a specific region of your campaign world: use Primeval for a “lost continent”; try Fairy for a realm of gentle fantasy, and so on. The possibilities are endless!

Why Kickstarter

Lands of Legends is our love letter to the OSR, and a set of tools we’ve been using for years in our games, both as GMs and as content creators. We decided to release it as a zine because we wanted to stay true to its Old School spirit, and to try and get as many people to know about it.

If you like this project, spread the word on your social networks!

Who We Are

Mauro Longo is a blogger, novelist, essayist and RPG author, and project manager. His most recent contributions to game development and crowdfunding management include glaring hits such as Brancalonia and Lex Arcana.

Giuseppe Rotondo is a blogger and also a translator for Italian localizations of several RPG lines, such as Savage Worlds Adventure Edition, Deadlands – Weird West, and Rippers. He’s also co-authored Tropicana and Ultima Forsan with Mauro Longo, and has developed the acclaimed Gold & Glory line which brings the OSR style to Savage Worlds.

Matteo Ceresa is our professional layout artist. He’s worked on almost all of the projects we’ve ever released and we love his jobs!!


Both the PDFs and Print on Demand versions will be fulfilled via DrivethruRPG. Backers who pledge for Print rewards will receive a voucher to print the zine at cost (about 4$ per copy per zine).

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